Sunday, November 12, 2006

Once upon a time...

A guy was born. Well, actually - he wasn't born a guy, he was more like a child: a baby. A human baby, as if I must add more information. But this baby is special in more than a way. For starters, this baby is me.
We all are expected to grow in many dimensions. We should grow in knowledge. I can say I've been blessed in such dimension of my life. I Have received several honors at school and at work, for my abilities in the mental realm. I can say I've grown there.
We are also expected to grow in maturity - leaving behind the attitudes of babies and toddlers and childhood then teenage, to finally act, think and speak like a grown man (or woman). In this dimension, I can once again say that I've been blessed. Since childhood, I was sort of "hyper mature". Always hanging out with people decades older than I. Talking with them, learning from them and mimicking them. Always well behaved and too well spoken for my age, I was admired by must adults, specially my parents' friends.
There is of course the obviously expected growth dimension: Size. We all undergo a constant variation of our height and size of individual body parts. For those who maintain that size does not matter... oh boy, I can tell you - size is everything. It has a subconcious effect on everything we see and relate to. The number one mesure of progress for any baby is it's length. From conception, our size is constantly monitored. Any halt in growth is immedeately acknowledged and frenzy will break out until the reason of such a halt is discovered and under control.
But height isn't the only thing that's expected to grow in us. Our body parts grow and change.. our hands, feet, voice, etc. They do not remain the same structures we came to life with. And in us male population, there is one change we are expected to make that will guarantee to stay centered in our minds for a good amount of time until we die: our genitals - aka penis - size. And here, my friends, is the heart of my problem and the catalyst of this blog.
It's like a pseudo-out-of-the-closet experience for me to admit to the world that I have a small penis. It's true that I am doing so sort of anonymously, but it's still not an easy decision to make. My intentions are first to describe my life up to now having a small penis and how it has impacted me. After that, I will be providing updates on myself - my feelings and a briefing on my sexual life. It's like uncovering lots of memories I otherwise really wouldn't be interested in doing.
And, when I say small, I mean small. Not the jerk offs who have a six inch penis and are complaining that they don't have a twelve inch penis. Mine is two inches flaccid and barely four and half inches erect. *Thats* small.
With this, I hope to reach out to millions of men out there who are going through the same situation. Maybe they (you) can indentify yourself with some or all of the things I say, and somehow (not sure how, though) get some comfort through my words. We could even start a discussion on it, although I must say my time is somewhat limited.
I will try to post at least weekly, although on some very heavy months I might only post 2 or 3 times a month. Also, it may happen that I post a bit more frequently... Please check in at least once a week for updates, or subscribe to the RSS feed provided, if you are interested in my story.
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